Teleflex Humanitarian Product Donation Program

As a global healthcare company operating in countries throughout the world, Teleflex recognizes a responsibility to make product donations to provide humanitarian assistance and/or as emergency support when natural disasters occur. We believe that a targeted product donation program can have an essential role in both saving lives and improving the quality of life of people living in vulnerable situations.

We are committed to ensuring that our Program is managed in a responsible way, is needs-based and does not disrupt or undermine healthcare provision in recipient countries. Teleflex donations are, therefore, made in accordance with an established framework of legal obligations and internal processes, and in line with World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines on Medical Device Donations.

This program is an integral part of our business as we consider it a privilege to help you in your global efforts. In order for us to consider your request please fully complete the request form and provide all required documentation. You will need to provide:

A copy of your organization's W-9 form (US), or comparable tax information outside the US

Confirmation of tax-exempt/non-profit status from the IRS, if applicable

Teleflex does not seek or expect commercial benefits through its humanitarian donations. Humanitarian donations are tracked and reported to governmental agencies or other third parties pursuant to the disclosure requirements and other transparency laws and regulations.

To obtain information regarding any changes or modifications made to the humanitarian donation program during the calendar year, or information regarding donations made, please e-mail your request to